Sweet, sweet, sweet tales – Read, read eTales
Find, find sweet world – Find, find sweet friends
Leave, leave bitter tales – Leave, leave bitter world
Leave, leave bitter friends – Meet, meet sweet friends
Live with sweet friends – Read, read eTales
Learn, learn sweet words – Talk, talk sweet words
Reading and enjoying – Laughing and smiling
Gift, them to sweet friends – Cultivate good friendships
Build the need sweet world – Nonviolent sweet world©

Nice and Fine Thoughts
Think Think Nice Thoughts – Find Find Nice Words
Write Write Nice Thoughts – Turn them into Nice Tales
They will be mind lamps – shining with Fine thoughts
Lighting up intelligence – brightening the Kind Minds
Dear Child it is yours – Dear Teen it is yours
Dear Youth it is yours – Dear Mum it is yours
Dear Dad it is yours – Dear Friend it is yours
Share, Share, Nice Thoughts – create, create Kind Minds
Nonviolent mankind – living in a Happy World©

We are Children
“Are you children?”
“Yes we are children”
“What sort of children are you?”
“We are school children”
“Where are we now?”
“We are in our Open World”
“Why are we in an Open World?”
“Because it has a great freedom for Open Minds”
“Why do we need Open Minds?”
“Because we need Open Minds for free thinking”
“Then what you can do?”
“We can create and do innovate new things”
“Yes my children open your Laptops”
“Yes we open our Laptops”
“Then open etalespublishing.com”
“Hi very beautiful eTales”©

We are Intelligent Children
“What sort of children are you?”
“We are nonviolent children”
“Why are you nonviolent children?”
“We do not kill animals and plants”
“Who kill animals and plants?”
“Some animals living in and out of the forest”
“Why do they kill animals and plants?”
“They kill animals and plants to eat”
“Do we kill animals and plants to eat?”
“No we don’t”
“Have we ever killed animals and plants to eat?”
“No. Never”
“We love peace and non violence”
“What are we doing in the classroom?”
“We are reading”
“What are we reading?”
“We are reading children’s stories”
“Why are we reading children’s stories?”
“We are reading to learn and to be intelligent”
“What are you reading to be intelligent?”
“We are reading Literary Heart’s Friendly Tales eTales”
“What are you learning by reading eTales?”
“We are learning to be intelligent by reading eTales”©